function RadMenuItem(domElement) { if (domElement) { this.SetDomElement(domElement); } else { this.ClientSide = true; } this.IsSeparator = false; this.AnimationContainer = null; this.OpenedItem = null; this.FocusedItem = null; this.Items = []; this.Attributes = {}; this.Index = -1; this.Level = -1; this.Parent = null; this.Menu = null; this.GroupSettings = {}; this.TimeoutPointer = null; this.Templated = false; this.NavigateAfterClick = true; // css classes, load from the server this.FocusedCssClass = "focused"; this.ClickedCssClass = "clicked"; this.ExpandedCssClass = "expanded"; this.DisabledCssClass = "disabled"; this.CssClass = ""; // state flags this.State = RadMenuItemState.Closed; this.Focused = false; this.Clicked = false; this.Enabled = true; this.Initialized = false; } RadMenuItem.prototype.SetDomElement = function(domElement) { this.DomElement = domElement; this.LinkElement = RadMenu.GetFirstChildByTagName(this.DomElement, "a"); if (this.LinkElement == null) { this.ID =; this.TextElement = RadMenu.GetFirstChildByTagName(this.DomElement, "span"); this.NavigateUrl = ""; } else { this.ID =; this.TextElement = RadMenu.GetFirstChildByTagName(this.LinkElement, "span"); this.NavigateUrl = this.LinkElement.href; } } RadMenuItem.prototype.PostInitializeItems = function () { for (var i = 0; i < this.Items.length; i ++) { this.Items[i].PostInitialize(); } } RadMenuItem.prototype.SetText = function (text) { this.PostInitialize(); this.TextElement.innerHTML = text; this.Text = text; this.RecordState(); } RadMenuItem.prototype.SetNavigateUrl = function (url) { this.PostInitialize(); this.LinkElement.setAttribute("href", url); this.NavigateUrl = url; this.RecordState(); } RadMenuItem.prototype.SetValue = function (value) { this.PostInitialize(); this.Value = value; this.RecordState(); } RadMenuItem.prototype.InitializeDomElements = function() { if (!this.Templated) { this.AnimationContainer = RadMenu.GetFirstChildByTagName(this.DomElement, "div"); this.ImageElement = RadMenu.GetFirstChildByTagName(this.LinkElement || this.DomElement, "img"); if (this.ImageElement) { this.ImageUrl = this.ImageElement.src; } } else { this.TextElement = RadMenu.GetFirstChildByTagName(this.DomElement, "div"); this.AnimationContainer = this.TextElement.nextSibling; } if (this.AnimationContainer) { var ul = this.AnimationContainer.getElementsByTagName("ul")[0]; this.ChildItemList = ul; if (this.ChildItemList.parentNode != this.AnimationContainer) { this.ScrollWrap = this.ChildItemList.parentNode; } } } RadMenuItem.prototype.InitializeAnimation = function() { this.DetermineExpandDirection(); if (!this.AnimationContainer) { return; } this.Ease = new RadControlsNamespace.Ease( this.ScrollWrap || this.ChildItemList, this.Menu, this.GroupSettings.OffsetX, this.GroupSettings.OffsetY, this, true ); if (this.Ease.Overlay.Shim && this.LinkElement) { = + "IframeOverlay"; } var expandDirection = this.GroupSettings.ExpandDirection; var easeProperty = RadMenuNamespace.ExpandDirectionPropertyName[expandDirection]; this.Ease.SetSide(easeProperty); this.TextElement.className = "text expand" + this.Ease.GetSide(); = this.GlobalIndex + 10; = this.GlobalIndex + 10; if (this.ScrollWrap) { this.CreateScroll(); } } RadMenuItem.prototype.Initialize = function () { RadControlsNamespace.DomEventMixin.Initialize(this); this.LoadConfiguration(); this.InitializeDomElements(); if (this.TextElement && this.TextElement.firstChild) { this.Text = this.TextElement.firstChild.nodeValue; } this.OriginalZIndex = Math.max(, this.Menu.OriginalZIndex); }; RadMenuItem.prototype.PostInitialize = function () { if (this.Initialized) { return; } this.InitializeAnimation(); this.AttachEventHandlers(); this.RenderAccessKey(); RadMenu.CreateState(this); this.UpdateCssClass(); this.Initialized = true; } RadMenuItem.prototype.RenderAccessKey = function () { if (this.IsSeparator || this.Templated) { return; } var accessKey = this.LinkElement.accessKey.toLowerCase(); // If accessKey is not set if (!accessKey) { return; } var text = this.TextElement.firstChild.nodeValue; var indexOfAccessKey = text.toLowerCase().indexOf(accessKey); // If accesKey is not found if (indexOfAccessKey == -1) { return; } this.TextElement.innerHTML = text.substr(0, indexOfAccessKey) + "" + text.substr(indexOfAccessKey, 1) + "" + text.substr(indexOfAccessKey + 1, text.length); } RadMenuItem.prototype.CreateScroll = function () { = this.GlobalIndex + 10; this.BuildScrollObject(false); } RadMenuItem.prototype.BuildScrollObject = function (wrapNeeded) { var isVertical = RadMenuNamespace.ItemFlow.Vertical == this.GroupSettings.Flow; var options = {PerTabScrolling : false, ScrollButtonsPosition : 1, ScrollPosition : 0}; this.Scroll = new RadControlsNamespace.Scroll(this.ChildItemList, isVertical, options); this.Scroll.ScrollOnHover = true; this.Scroll.LeaveGapsForArrows = false; this.Scroll.WrapNeeded = wrapNeeded; if (this.GroupSettings.Flow == RadMenuNamespace.ItemFlow.Vertical) { this.Scroll.LeftArrowClass = "topArrow"; this.Scroll.LeftArrowClassDisabled = "topArrowDisabled"; this.Scroll.RightArrowClass = "bottomArrow"; this.Scroll.RightArrowClassDisabled = "bottomArrowDisabled"; } } RadMenuItem.prototype.CreateRuntimeScroll = function (height) { if (this.Scroll) { this.Scroll.SetHeight(height); return; } this.BuildScrollObject(true); this.Scroll.Initialize() this.ScrollWrap = this.ChildItemList.parentNode; this.Ease.Element = this.ScrollWrap; this.Ease.Overlay.Element = this.ScrollWrap; this.ScrollWrap.className = "scrollWrap " + this.ChildItemList.className; this.ChildItemList.className = this.ChildItemList.className.replace("group", ""); this.Scroll.SetHeight(height); } RadMenuItem.prototype.Dispose = function () { if (!this.Initialized) return; this.DisposeDomEventHandlers(); if (this.Ease) { this.Ease.Dispose(); } this.DomElement = null; this.LinkElement = null; this.AnimationContainer = null; } RadMenuItem.prototype.Focus = function () { if (!this.CanFocus()) { return; } this.PostInitializeItems(); if (this.Parent.OpenedItem && this.Parent.OpenedItem != this) { this.Parent.OpenedItem.Close(); } if (this.Parent.State != RadMenuItemState.Open && this.Parent.Open) { this.Parent.Open(); } this.Parent.FocusedItem = this; if (!this.Focused && this.LinkElement) { this.LinkElement.focus(); } this.UpdateCssClass(); this.RaiseEvent("OnClientItemFocus"); } RadMenuItem.prototype.Hide = function() { if (this.LinkElement) { = "none"; } else { = "none"; } if (this.Parent.Flow == RadMenuNamespace.ItemFlow.Vertical) { var siblings = this.Parent.Items; for (var i = 0; i < siblings.length; i++) { if (siblings[i] != this) { if (siblings[i].LinkElement) { siblings[i] = "auto"; } } } if (RadControlsNamespace.Browser.IsSafari) { = "auto"; } this.Menu.WidthFixed = false; if (this.Parent.DomElement.offsetWidth > 0) { this.Menu.FixItemWidth(this.Parent); } } } RadMenuItem.prototype.IsVisible = function() { if (!this.LinkElement) { return != "none"; } return != "none"; } RadMenuItem.prototype.Show = function() { if (this.LinkElement) { = ""; } else { = ""; } if (this.Parent.Flow == RadMenuNamespace.ItemFlow.Vertical) { this.Menu.WidthFixed = false; if (this.Parent.DomElement.offsetWidth > 0) { this.Menu.FixItemWidth(this.Parent); } } } RadMenuItem.prototype.Blur = function () { if (this.IsSeparator) { return; } if (this.Focused) { this.LinkElement.blur(); } this.Parent.FocusedItem = null; this.UpdateCssClass(); this.RaiseEvent("OnClientItemBlur"); } RadMenuItem.prototype.GetEaseSide = function () { var expandDirection = this.GroupSettings.ExpandDirection; return RadMenuNamespace.ExpandDirectionPropertyName[expandDirection]; } RadMenuItem.prototype.RaiseEvent = function(eventName) { return this.Menu.RaiseEvent(eventName, {Item:this}); } RadMenuItem.prototype.UpdateCssClass = function () { if (this.IsSeparator || this.Templated) { return; } var cssClass = "link " + this.CssClass; if (this.Focused) { cssClass = cssClass + " " + this.FocusedCssClass; } if (this.State == RadMenuItemState.Open) { cssClass = cssClass + " " + this.ExpandedCssClass; } if (this.Clicked) { cssClass = cssClass + " " + this.ClickedCssClass; } if (!this.Enabled) { cssClass = cssClass + " " + this.DisabledCssClass; } this.LinkElement.className = cssClass; this.UpdateImageUrl(); } RadMenuItem.prototype.UpdateImageUrl = function () { if (!this.ImageElement) return; var newUrl = this.ImageUrl; if (this.Hovered && this.ImageOverUrl) { newUrl = this.ImageOverUrl; } if (this.State == RadMenuItemState.Open && this.ExpandedImageUrl) { newUrl = this.ExpandedImageUrl; } if (!this.Enabled && this.DisabledImageUrl) { newUrl = this.DisabledImageUrl; } if (this.Clicked && this.ImageClickedUrl) { newUrl = this.ImageClickedUrl; } newUrl = newUrl.replace(/&/ig, "&"); if (newUrl != this.ImageElement.src) { this.ImageElement.src = newUrl; } } RadMenuItem.prototype.Enable = function () { if (this.IsSeparator || this.Templated) { return; } this.LinkElement.disabled = ""; if (this.ImageElement) { this.ImageElement.disabled = ""; } this.Enabled = true; this.EnableDomEventHandling(); this.UpdateCssClass(); } RadMenuItem.prototype.Disable = function () { if (this.IsSeparator || this.Templated) { return; } this.LinkElement.disabled = "disabled"; if (this.ImageElement) { this.ImageElement.disabled = "disabled"; } this.Enabled = false; this.DisableDomEventHandling(); this.UpdateCssClass(); } RadMenuItem.prototype.OnCollapseComplete = function() { this.RaiseEvent("OnClientItemClose"); } RadMenuItem.prototype.HideChildren = function () { for (var i = 0; i < this.Items.length; i++) { if (this.Items[i].AnimationContainer) { this.Items[i] = "none"; } } } RadMenuItem.prototype.CalculateScrollWrapSize = function () { if (!this.ScrollWrap) { return; } if (! { = this.ChildItemList.offsetHeight + "px"; } var isVertical = RadMenuNamespace.ItemFlow.Vertical == this.Flow; if (isVertical) { = this.ChildItemList.offsetWidth + "px"; } }; RadMenuItem.prototype.OnEase = function(newValue) { var isVertical = RadMenuNamespace.ItemFlow.Vertical == this.Flow; if (!isVertical) return; if (this.ChildrenDetached && this.Scroll) { //Hack for IE6 - arrows disappear after scrolling =; =; } } /** * Event handlers */ RadMenuItem.prototype.AttachEventHandlers = function () { this.AttachDomEvent(this.DomElement, "mouseover", "MouseOverHandler"); this.AttachDomEvent(this.DomElement, "mouseout", "MouseOutHandler"); if (this.IsSeparator || this.Templated) { return; } this.AttachDomEvent(this.LinkElement, "click", "ClickHandler", true); this.AttachDomEvent(this.LinkElement, "mouseout", "HRefMouseOutHandler"); this.AttachDomEvent(this.LinkElement, "mouseover", "HRefMouseOverHandler"); this.AttachDomEvent(this.LinkElement, "mousedown", "MouseDownHandler"); this.AttachDomEvent(this.LinkElement, "mouseup", "MouseUpHandler"); this.AttachDomEvent(this.LinkElement, "blur", "BlurHandler"); this.AttachDomEvent(this.LinkElement, "focus", "FocusHandler"); this.AttachDomEvent(this.LinkElement, "keydown", "KeyDownHandler"); }; RadMenuItem.prototype.MouseDownHandler = function (e) { this.Clicked = true; this.UpdateCssClass(); } RadMenuItem.prototype.MouseUpHandler = function (e) { this.Clicked = false; this.UpdateCssClass(); } RadMenuItem.prototype.HRefMouseOutHandler = function (e) { var to = RadControlsNamespace.DomEvent.GetRelatedTarget(e); if (this.Menu.IsChildOf(this.LinkElement, to) || to == this.LinkElement) { return; } this.Hovered = false; this.UpdateImageUrl(); this.RaiseEvent("OnClientMouseOut"); } RadMenuItem.prototype.HRefMouseOverHandler = function (e) { var from = RadControlsNamespace.DomEvent.GetRelatedTarget(e); if (this.Menu.IsChildOf(this.LinkElement, from) || this.LinkElement == from) { return; } this.Hovered = true; this.UpdateImageUrl(); this.RaiseEvent("OnClientMouseOver"); } RadMenuItem.prototype.KeyDownHandler = function (e) { var arrows = {left : 37, up : 38, right : 39, down : 40, esc : 27 }; var keyCode = RadControlsNamespace.DomEvent.GetKeyCode(e); if (keyCode == arrows.right) { if (this.Menu.RightToLeft) { this.HandleLeftArrow(); } else { this.HandleRightArrow(); } } else if (keyCode == arrows.left) { if (this.Menu.RightToLeft) { this.HandleRightArrow(); } else { this.HandleLeftArrow(); } } else if (keyCode == arrows.up) { this.HandleUpArrow(); } else if (keyCode == arrows.down) { this.HandleDownArrow(); } else if (keyCode == arrows.esc) { if (this.Parent == this.Menu) { this.Blur(); } else { this.Parent.Close(); this.Parent.Focus(); } } else { return; } RadControlsNamespace.DomEvent.PreventDefault(e); } RadMenuItem.prototype.FocusHandler = function (e) { this.Focused = true; this.Focus(); } RadMenuItem.prototype.BlurHandler = function (e) { this.Focused = false; //Korchev: Causes problem when second level item is clicked - the item cannot be open after that //this.Menu.Clicked = false; this.Blur(); } RadMenuItem.prototype.NavigatesToURL = function () { if (location.href + "#" == this.NavigateUrl || location.href == this.NavigateUrl) { return false; } return (new RegExp("//")).test(this.LinkElement.href); } RadMenuItem.prototype.Validate = function () { if (!this.Menu.CausesValidation || this.NavigatesToURL()) { return true; } if (typeof (Page_ClientValidate) != 'function') { return true; } return Page_ClientValidate(this.Menu.ValidationGroup); } RadMenuItem.prototype.ClickHandler = function (e) { if (!this.Enabled) { return RadControlsNamespace.DomEvent.PreventDefault(e); } if (!this.RaiseEvent("OnClientItemClicking")) { return RadControlsNamespace.DomEvent.PreventDefault(e); } if (!this.Validate()) { return RadControlsNamespace.DomEvent.PreventDefault(e); } var returnValue = true; if (!this.Menu.ClickToOpen) { returnValue = true; } else if (this.Level > 1) // only first level items toggle this { returnValue = true; } else { if (!this.Menu.Clicked) { this.Open(); } else { this.Close(); } this.Menu.Clicked = !this.Menu.Clicked; } this.RaiseEvent("OnClientItemClicked"); if (!this.NavigateAfterClick || !returnValue) { RadControlsNamespace.DomEvent.PreventDefault(e); } } RadMenuItem.prototype.PreventClose = function() { if (this.State == RadMenuItemState.AboutToClose) { this.ClearTimeout(); this.State = RadMenuItemState.Open; this.Parent.OpenedItem = this; } if (this.Parent.PreventClose) { this.Parent.PreventClose(); } } RadMenuItem.prototype.Open = function () { this.PostInitializeItems(); this.Menu.AboutToCollapse = false; if (this.Parent != this.Menu && this.Parent.State != RadMenuItemState.Open) { this.Parent.Open(); } if (!this.AnimationContainer) return; this.Parent.OpenedItem = this; this.State = RadMenuItemState.Open; var documentSize = RadControlsNamespace.Screen.GetViewPortSize(); = "block"; this.Ease.ShowElements(); if (this.GroupSettings.Flow == RadMenuNamespace.ItemFlow.Vertical) { this.Menu.FixItemWidth(this); } else { this.Menu.FixListWidth(this); } if (this.Menu.EnableAutoScroll && this.ChildItemList.offsetHeight > documentSize.height) { if (!this.ScrollWrap || this.ScrollWrap.offsetHeight > documentSize.height) { this.CreateRuntimeScroll(documentSize.height + "px"); this.Ease.ShowElements(); this.Ease.UpdateContainerSize(); } } this.Ease.SetSide(this.GetEaseSide()); this.Ease.UpdateContainerSize(); if (this.Scroll) { this.CalculateScrollWrapSize(); this.Scroll.Initialize(); } this.PositionChildContainer(documentSize); this.Ease.In(); this.UpdateCssClass(); = this.OriginalZIndex + 1000; if (!RadControlsNamespace.Browser.IsNetscape) { = this.Menu.OriginalZIndex + 1000; } this.RaiseEvent("OnClientItemOpen"); }; RadMenuItem.prototype.MouseOverHandler = function (e) { this.PreventClose(); if (this.Menu.ClickToOpen && !this.Menu.Clicked) { return; } if (this.State == RadMenuItemState.Open || this.State == RadMenuItemState.AboutToOpen) { return; } if (this.Parent.OpenedItem != this && this.Parent.OpenedItem) { var openedItem = this.Parent.OpenedItem; if (openedItem.TimeoutPointer) { openedItem.ClearTimeout(); } openedItem.State = RadMenuItemState.AboutToClose; openedItem.SetTimeout(function() { openedItem.Close(); openedItem.TimeoutPointer = null; }, this.Menu.ExpandDelay); } if (this.Items.length < 1) return; this.Menu.LastOpenedItem = this; this.State = RadMenuItemState.AboutToOpen; var instance = this; this.SetTimeout(function () { instance.Open(); instance.TimeoutPointer = null; }, this.Menu.ExpandDelay); } RadMenuItem.prototype.Close = function () { if (this.IsSeparator) { return; } if (this.State == RadMenuItemState.Closed) { return; } if (this.OpenedItem) { this.OpenedItem.Close(); } this.Parent.OpenedItem = null; if (!this.AnimationContainer) return; this.State = RadMenuItemState.Closed; if (this.Level == 1) { this.Menu.AboutToCollapse = true; } this.Ease.Out(); this.UpdateCssClass(); = this.OriginalZIndex; if (!RadControlsNamespace.Browser.IsNetscape) { if (this.Level == 1) { = this.Menu.OriginalZIndex; } } this.HideChildren (); } RadMenuItem.prototype.MouseOutHandler = function (e) { var to = RadControlsNamespace.DomEvent.GetRelatedTarget(e); if ((!to) || this.Menu.IsChildOf(this.DomElement, to) || to == this.DomElement) { return; } if (this.ChildrenDetached) { if (this.Menu.IsChildOf(this.Parent.AnimationContainer, to)) { return; } } try { //Fix FireFox "_moz_editor_bogus_node" problem. var bogusNode = to.parentNode; }catch (e) { return; } if (this.State == RadMenuItemState.Closed || this.State == RadMenuItemState.AboutToClose) { return; } if (this.State == RadMenuItemState.AboutToOpen) { this.ClearTimeout(); this.State = RadMenuItemState.Closed; this.Parent.OpenedItem = null; return; } if (this.Menu.ClickToOpen) { return; } this.State = RadMenuItemState.AboutToClose; var instance = this; this.SetTimeout(function () { instance.Close(); instance.TimeoutPointer = null; }, this.Menu.CollapseDelay); } RadMenuItem.prototype.SetTimeout = function (closure, delay) { this.TimeoutPointer = setTimeout(closure, delay); } RadMenuItem.prototype.ClearTimeout = function() { if (this.TimeoutPointer) { clearTimeout(this.TimeoutPointer); this.TimeoutPointer = null; } } RadMenuItem.prototype.PositionChildContainer = function (documentSize) { var top = 0; var left = 0; var expandDirection = this.GroupSettings.ExpandDirection; var easeProperty = RadMenuNamespace.ExpandDirectionPropertyName[expandDirection]; var ownerBox = this.DomElement; var itemHeight = RadControlsNamespace.Box.GetOuterHeight(ownerBox); var itemWidth = RadControlsNamespace.Box.GetOuterWidth(ownerBox); var itemBox = this.AnimationContainer; // = "1px solid red"; var childItemsHeight = RadControlsNamespace.Box.GetOuterHeight(itemBox); var childItemsWidth = RadControlsNamespace.Box.GetOuterWidth(itemBox); if (expandDirection == RadMenuNamespace.ExpandDirection.Down) { top = itemHeight; } else if (expandDirection == RadMenuNamespace.ExpandDirection.Right) { left = itemWidth; } this.SetContainerPosition(left, top); var childItemsPosition = RadControlsNamespace.Screen.GetElementPosition(itemBox); if (this.Menu.RightToLeft) { left = itemWidth - childItemsWidth; } if (!this.Menu.EnableScreenBoundaryDetection) { this.Ease.SetSide(easeProperty); this.TextElement.className = "text expand" + this.Ease.GetSide(); return; } // Screen boundary detection if ( RadControlsNamespace.Screen.ElementOverflowsRight(documentSize, itemBox) && expandDirection == RadMenuNamespace.ExpandDirection.Right ) { expandDirection = RadMenuNamespace.ExpandDirection.Left; easeProperty = "right"; left = 0; } else if (childItemsPosition.x - childItemsWidth < 0 && expandDirection == RadMenuNamespace.ExpandDirection.Left) { expandDirection = RadMenuNamespace.ExpandDirection.Right; easeProperty = "left"; left = itemWidth; } else if (childItemsPosition.y - childItemsHeight < 0 && expandDirection == RadMenuNamespace.ExpandDirection.Up) { expandDirection = RadMenuNamespace.ExpandDirection.Down; easeProperty = "top"; top = itemHeight; } else if ( RadControlsNamespace.Screen.ElementOverflowsBottom(documentSize, itemBox) && expandDirection == RadMenuNamespace.ExpandDirection.Down ) { //Check if there is enough space to invert the expand direction var itemBox = RadControlsNamespace.Screen.GetElementPosition(this.DomElement); if (itemBox.y > this.AnimationContainer.offsetHeight) { expandDirection = RadMenuNamespace.ExpandDirection.Up; easeProperty = "bottom"; top = itemHeight; } } // Side offset if ( RadControlsNamespace.Screen.ElementOverflowsRight(documentSize, itemBox) && (expandDirection == RadMenuNamespace.ExpandDirection.Down || expandDirection == RadMenuNamespace.ExpandDirection.Up) ) { if (!this.Menu.RightToLeft) { left = documentSize.width - (childItemsPosition.x + childItemsWidth); } } else if (RadControlsNamespace.Screen.ElementOverflowsBottom(documentSize, itemBox)) { if (expandDirection == RadMenuNamespace.ExpandDirection.Left || expandDirection == RadMenuNamespace.ExpandDirection.Right) { top = documentSize.height - (childItemsPosition.y + childItemsHeight); //alert(top); } } this.SetContainerPosition(left, top); this.Ease.SetSide(easeProperty); this.TextElement.className = "text expand" + this.Ease.GetSide(); }; RadMenuItem.prototype.SetContainerPosition = function(left, top) { var y = top + this.GroupSettings.OffsetY; if (this.Parent.ScrollWrap) { if (this.Parent == this.Menu && this.Menu.IsContext) { this.Parent.AnimationContainer = this.Menu.DomElement; } if (this.Parent.AnimationContainer) { this.ChildrenDetached = true; this.Parent.AnimationContainer.appendChild(this.AnimationContainer); } y += this.DomElement.offsetTop; var childListTop = parseInt(; if (isNaN(childListTop)) { childListTop = 0; } if (this.GroupSettings.OffsetY == 0) { // Compensate for the scroll offset only if there is no group offset Y set. y += childListTop; } } = y + "px"; = (left + this.GroupSettings.OffsetX) + "px"; } RadMenuItem.prototype.SetAttribute = function (name, value) { this.PostInitialize(); this.Attributes[name] = value; this.RecordState(); } RadMenuItem.prototype.SetImageUrl = function (src) { this.PostInitialize(); this.ImageUrl = src; this.ImageElement.src = src; this.RecordState(); } RadMenuItem.prototype.SetImageOverUrl = function (src) { this.PostInitialize(); this.ImageOverUrl = src; this.RecordState(); } RadMenuItem.prototype.GetAttribute = function (name) { return this.Attributes[name]; } RadMenuItem.prototype.DetermineExpandDirection = function () { if (this.GroupSettings.ExpandDirection != RadMenuNamespace.ExpandDirection.Auto) { return; } if (this.Parent.Flow == RadMenuNamespace.ItemFlow.Vertical) { if (this.Menu.RightToLeft) { this.GroupSettings.ExpandDirection = RadMenuNamespace.ExpandDirection.Left; } else { this.GroupSettings.ExpandDirection = RadMenuNamespace.ExpandDirection.Right; } } else { this.GroupSettings.ExpandDirection = RadMenuNamespace.ExpandDirection.Down; } } RadMenuItem.prototype.LoadConfiguration = function () { if (this.Menu.ItemData[this.ID]) { for (var property in this.Menu.ItemData[this.ID]) { this[property] = this.Menu.ItemData[this.ID][property]; } } var defaultSettings = this.Menu.DefaultGroupSettings; // default settings for nested config objects if (typeof this.GroupSettings.Flow == 'undefined') { this.GroupSettings.Flow = defaultSettings.Flow; } this.Flow = this.GroupSettings.Flow; if (typeof this.GroupSettings.ExpandDirection == 'undefined') { this.GroupSettings.ExpandDirection = defaultSettings.ExpandDirection; } if (typeof this.GroupSettings.OffsetX == 'undefined') { this.GroupSettings.OffsetX = defaultSettings.OffsetX; } if (typeof this.GroupSettings.OffsetY == 'undefined') { this.GroupSettings.OffsetY = defaultSettings.OffsetY; } if (!this.Enabled) { this.Disable(); } }; /** * Keyboard handlers */ RadMenuItem.prototype.HandleRightArrow = function () { if (this.Parent.Flow == RadMenuNamespace.ItemFlow.Horizontal) { this.FocusNextItem(); } else { if (this.Items.length && this.GroupSettings.ExpandDirection == RadMenuNamespace.ExpandDirection.Right) { this.FocusFirstChild(); } else if (this.Parent.GroupSettings && this.Parent.GroupSettings.ExpandDirection == RadMenuNamespace.ExpandDirection.Left) { this.Parent.Focus(); } else { if (this.Menu.OpenedItem) { this.Menu.OpenedItem.GetNextItem().Focus(); } } } } RadMenuItem.prototype.HandleLeftArrow = function () { if (this.Parent.Flow == RadMenuNamespace.ItemFlow.Horizontal) { this.FocusPreviousItem(); } else { if (this.Items.length && this.GroupSettings.ExpandDirection == RadMenuNamespace.ExpandDirection.Left) { this.FocusFirstChild(); } else if (this.Parent.GroupSettings && this.Parent.GroupSettings.ExpandDirection == RadMenuNamespace.ExpandDirection.Right) { this.Parent.Focus(); } else { if (this.Menu.OpenedItem) { this.Menu.OpenedItem.GetPreviousItem().Focus(); } } } } RadMenuItem.prototype.HandleUpArrow = function () { if (this.Parent.Flow == RadMenuNamespace.ItemFlow.Vertical) { this.FocusPreviousItem(); } else { this.FocusLastChild(); } } RadMenuItem.prototype.HandleDownArrow = function () { if (this.Parent.Flow == RadMenuNamespace.ItemFlow.Vertical) { this.FocusNextItem(); } else { this.FocusFirstChild(); } } RadMenuItem.prototype.GetNextItem = function () { if (this.Index == this.Parent.Items.length - 1) { return this.Parent.Items[0]; } return this.Parent.Items[this.Index + 1]; } RadMenuItem.prototype.GetPreviousItem = function () { if (this.Index == 0) { return this.Parent.Items[this.Parent.Items.length - 1]; } return this.Parent.Items[this.Index - 1]; } RadMenuItem.prototype.CanFocus = function () { return (!this.IsSeparator) && this.Enabled; } RadMenuItem.prototype.FocusFirstChild = function () { if (!this.Items.length) { return; } var item = this.Items[0]; while (!item.CanFocus()) { item = item.GetNextItem(); if (item == this.Items[0]) { return; // no items to focus } } item.Focus(); } RadMenuItem.prototype.FocusLastChild = function () { if (!this.Items.length) { return; } var item = this.Items[this.Items.length - 1]; while (!item.CanFocus()) { item = item.GetPreviousItem(); if (this.Items.length - 1) { return; // no items to focus } } item.Focus(); } RadMenuItem.prototype.FocusNextItem = function () { var item = this.GetNextItem(); while (!item.CanFocus()) { item = item.GetNextItem(); } item.Focus(); } RadMenuItem.prototype.FocusPreviousItem = function () { var item = this.GetPreviousItem(); while (!item.CanFocus()) { item = item.GetPreviousItem(); } item.Focus(); } RadMenuItem.prototype.RecordState = function (forceSerialize) { if (this.ClientSide && !forceSerialize) { return; } var serialized = RadControlsNamespace.JSON.stringify(this, this.InitialState, RadMenu.JSONIncludeDeep); if (serialized == "{}") { this.Menu.ItemState[this.ID] = ""; } else { this.Menu.ItemState[this.ID] = "\"" + this.ID + "\":" + serialized; } this.Menu.RecordState(); } RadMenuItem.prototype.AddItem = function() { this.Menu.AddItem.apply(this, arguments); this.Menu.FixItemWidth(this); } //BEGIN_ATLAS_NOTIFY if (typeof(Sys) != "undefined") { if (Sys.Application != null && Sys.Application.notifyScriptLoaded != null) { Sys.Application.notifyScriptLoaded(); } } //END_ATLAS_NOTIFY